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Web of Lies: An Elemental Assassin Book

Web of Lies - Jennifer Estep Gin is back! And in full force. Web of Lies picks up a little after the end of Spider's Bite. Gin has decided to take a break from the assassin business and retire. She figures after everything she has been through, running the Pork Pig will be a nice needed break. Unfortunately, she quickly discovers that retirement is not all it is cracked up to be, and is frankly... boring. Thankfully, for her, two teens decide to rob her restaurant and stir up some excitement.Web of Lies is a fantastic continuation of this series. And like the previous novel, I had a blast reading it. Estep is a fantastic writer who knows how to mix plot with character development... with action. It seems like there is never a slow moment. But if there is, then it is usually just building up to something.Web of Lies was every thing I was hoping it to be. The characters, the plot, the action, the development was all top-notch. I really had a fun time getting to see more of Gin and Donovan's relationship. And I love how they are together. It is probably not the most healthy relationship.. but it works and that is all that matters. Very pleased with the second installment in the Elemental Assassin series and I am waiting on the next, Venom.