Arata was very different than what I was expecting... in a good way. If you have ever read anything by Yuu Watase, such as Fushigi Yugi, then you know that her writing involves adventure, action, and romance with the first two come behind the romance aspect. This made lead some readers to believe that her novels are geared toward the female reader. This is not the case with Arata. This novel is high in action and adventure with a microscopic hint of romance. While I can that the novel is not targeted mainly at males, I can say that males may enjoy this series more than her previous work. However, this is based on the first volume, so my opinion may change.But what will not change is the Watase sparkle. Every manga I have ever read of Watase's has this sparkle that I find so rarely in other novels. So what is the sparkle? It is a novel filled with memorable characters that you will think of long after you have read the last page, amazing premises that keep you on the edge of your seat, and outstanding drawings that can take your breath away. For me, there is nothing like a work by Watase. They are a joy to read, and I have yet to find one that I have not devoured.I am happy to report that Arata follows in this great tradition. This is an action packed novel that involves world travel, action, intrigue, and quite a few twists. Arata will pull you in and not let go till the last page. There is a lot here for both male and female readers to enjoy. And I will be waiting excitedly to see what happens next.