Bleeding Violet is one of the most unique reads that I have had the pleasure to read in a while. It is gory and mind-blowingly different from the world that we live in. From page one, Reeves sets out to separate her world from ours, and does a fabulous job in the process. While it took me a while to fully appreciate what Reeves has created, once I did, I really enjoyed it.For those readers who enjoy a bit of grit and gore with their novel, Bleeding Violet is the novel for you. It is fairly fast paced with interest twists thrown in that will be sure to keep your attention. The characters are very complex and while different, pretty easy to connect with. I really enjoyed learning more about Hanna, and I loved her sassy attitude and interesting quirks. While I did not always agree with the direction that Reeves took Hanna in, I have to give her credit for not following many of the paths that previous authors have followed. Additionally, I really loved the supporting characters-- with the swans leading the way. They were a really great foil to Hanna and her quirks. All in all, I really appreciate what Reeves has done with her debut novel. It is very different (in a good way) than what is traditionally out there for YA readers. While it will not be a novel for everyone, those who enjoy Urban Fantasy novels will surely find a winner with this novel.Sidenote-- This novel may not be appropriate for younger readers. It does contain moderate sexual references, as well as some pretty graphic scenes.