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How to Catch and Keep a Vampire: A Step-By-Step Guide to Loving the Bad and the Beautiful

How to Catch and Keep a Vampire: A Step-By-Step Guide to Loving the Bad and the Beautiful - Diana Laurence Ever wonder what special tricks Bella Swan used in order to capture the attention of Edward Cullen? Or just think that vampires in general are sexy, and you are dying to know how to win one for yourself. Then How to Catch and Keep a Vampire is just the self help book for you! Divided into amazing step-by-step chapters, readers are sure to find out what qualities one must work on in order to find their vampire love. With chapters such as, "What's a Vampire Got That My Boyfriend Hasn't Got?" and an in depth FAQs section, Laurence provides readers with all the tools needed to find your perfect partner.This self-help type novel was a really fun quick read. It also includes an insightful (and humorous) look into why we are so attracted to these creatures of the night. Laurence's usage of humor and wit had me laughing at the extent that one can undergo to find their forever partners. This book will definitely please vampire lovers and humorous alike.