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Defenders of the Scroll: History, Legend and Lore

Defenders of the Scroll: History, Legend and Lore - SHIRAZ Defenders of the Scroll is an entertaining, non-stop action packed read. From page one, the reader is immersed in a incredible fantasy world. The world that Shiraz has created is fascinating, yet has believable aspects woven in. The plot held my attention, and kept me on the edge of my seat. One of the best things about this novel has be its characters. They are realistic, funny, and just so three dimensional. I loved getting to know them and watch their adventures unfold.The only flaw to the novel is probably the ending. It was just a little too abrupt for me. I am hoping there is a sequel, so that I can find out more about this fascinating world and its characters. All in all, this book has a little bit in it for everyone. I would definitely recommend it to any one who enjoys a great sci-fi / fantasy read.