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Let Slip the Dogs of Love: Suburban Legends of the Living and the Dead

Let Slip the Dogs of Love: Suburban Legends of the Living and the Dead - Eugene Kachmarsky Normally, I do not read short stories. There is something about them that just never feels finished enough for me. So when I started reading, Let Slip the Dogs of Love, I was a little hesitant. But fear not, I am now happy to say I may be a short story believer.Kachmarsky's collection has a Twilight Zone vibe with some darkness and edge mixed in. While they do not all relate to each other, there was a cohesiveness to this collection that I really appreciated. Each tale is incredibly creative, and fast paced. I really did not want some of them to end. All in all, I am really pleased with this collection. It showed me a side of short stories that I had yet to be introduced to. I think if more collections were similar to this one, I would definitely be a constant short story reader.