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The Man Who Loved Books Too Much

The Man Who Loved Books Too Much: The True Story of a Thief, a Detective, and a World of Literary Obsession - Allison Hoover Bartlett John Gilkey is a book lover like none I have ever heard of before. In all honesty, his love actually more of an obsession than anything. And his story really made me question what it is to be a book lover. Is it an obsession? A psychological need to possess these books? As I read this novel, it really made me question myself as a book lover. Would I go to these extremes in order to have a certain book? Probably not, due to the respect that I have for books and their authors. But it was still fun to imagine myself being like that.This fascinating read takes the reader into an often undiscussed part of the booking world: the dark side. The novel is filled with a little bit of everything, which really surprised me since this is a non-fiction novel. All in all, I was really surprised by this novel. It was a good change of pace from what I normally read.