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A Circle of Souls

A Circle of Souls - Preetham Grandhi A Circle of Souls is Preetham Grandhi's debut novel. However, there is nothing about this novel that makes the reader feel like it's his first. The world that Grandhi creates pulls you in from page one and does not let go. Everything about this novel is fully developed-- the characters, the scenery, the plot. The novel flows wonderfully through alternating points of view letting the read fully understand every angle of this fantastic plot. I really enjoyed getting to know Dr. Peter Gram and Agent Leia Bines since they are fabulous lead characters. They are easy to like, and their passion for their work is obvious.One aspect of the plot that I must give major kudos to Grandhi on is the medical aspect. It was always intriguing, and I never felt like his explanations were condescending. He treats his reader like an intellectual, and I really appreciated that.My only complaint is that I was not too surprised in finding out who the killer was. While this did not take away from the novel, I would have like just a little more mystery. Overall, I was very impressed by this novel. It is wonderfully written with characters that you cannot help but like. This novel is definitely going on my keep shelf. I wish Grandhi luck on his future writings since I know that he has a lot more to offer the literary community.