Ever since I first glimpsed the cover and read the synopsis months ago for The False Princess, I have been eagerly awaiting its release. And now that I have read it, all I can think is that it was well worth the wait.The False Princess takes a pinch of false identities, a dash of royal intrigue, and sprinkles it all together with a heap of magical powers and romance. The tale centers around Nalia (aka Sinda) who grew up believing that one day she would inherit the royal throne of Thorvaldor. Unbeknownst to her, she is really Sinda, a young girl who was pretty much was born to a lead humble life. After having the carpet pulled out from beneath her feet, quite literally, she is force to find her place in her country not as a princess but as just a normal citizen.The tale starts off slowly... building the world, the characters, the intrigue. But once O'Neal got started, it was an action-packed ride after that. The False Princess has so much going for it starting with its characters. Sinda is an extraordinary girl. Brought up having everything to only have it taken away. Yet that does not effect who she is inside. She remains strong, independent, and a girl who young women can definitely look up to. The supporting characters are no less amazing. Each is complex and so fun to read about.As I have said, there is A LOT going on in The False Princess. Yet, I think it is needed. It all blends well together making the story feel complete. And I have to say, I think that adding magic into the tale was quite a nice touch. Maybe not fully needed, but it added a nice extra level to the novel that I wasn't originally expecting. All things considered, The False Princess was a fantastic read. And I am looking forward to whatever Eilis O'Neal comes up with next.