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My Ultimate Sister Disaster: A Novel

My Ultimate Sister Disaster: A Novel - Jane Mendle My Ultimate Sister Disaster completely took me by surprise. With its funny situations and heartfelt family issues, I was 100% emotionally invested in this novel. Franny is the black sheep, so to speak, of her family. Her mother, father, and even older sister pretty much have a one track mind... the career comes first. So when Zooey hurts her leg, she begins to see life in a whole new way.My Ultimate Sister Disaster is really as much about Zooey as it is about Franny. And while I adored each character, I strangely found myself gravitating more towards Zooey. After giving this some thought, I believe it was because in the beginning of the novel, I could not stand Zooey. I found her character to be annoying, self-centered, and at some points, I just wanted to her go away. However, this is a novel about how changes in our lives can make us into better people. And this is exactly what happens to Franny as well as Zooey.It is not often that I find a contemporary fiction novel that has me hooked me, but this is exactly what My Ultimate Sister Disaster did. I breezed through this novel... laughing and even at times, crying. My Ultimate Sister Disaster gave me the warm, fuzzy feeling, and for that, it will have a special place in my heart.