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Ward Against Death (Chronicles of a Reluctant Necromancer, #1)

Ward Against Death - Melanie Card First Impression:Billed as New Adult, Ward Against Death appears darker than the normal creepy fare I like to tackle. But since I am trying to broaden my reading scope and it is part of the newest emerging genre, I decided what the heck. The cover is pretty. And I can't resist the chance for romance.While Reading:Ward Against Death is a complete ball of fun. Dark. Creepy. Romantic. This book has it all and then some to spare!The characters easily made this book for me. Ward is the lovable good guy. The kind of guy that will do anything for everyone. The guy that is always getting taken for granted. Celia, on the other hand, is the girl who is definitely more than she seems. From a noble background, this is no tea sipping, prim miss. She knows how to fight with the best of them and will probably win without breaking a sweat. And when these two came together, it was pure joy. Their banter is refreshing with plenty of laugh out loud moments. And the romance... well, it was definitely sweet. While maintaining realism, or at least as much realism as possible considering we are dealing with one alive character and one dead.Being a lover of history, Ward Against Death certainly satisified my history craving. Card did her research and it shows. The world that Card creates was full of depth and mystery around every corner. I loved following Ward and Celia around as they pieced together the bigger picture. Pure fun!Verdict:Ward Against Death has a lot going for it. Great characters. Plenty of mystery. And is the start to what promises to be a great series. Card has me hooked and I cannot wait for more.