First Impression: Winterling initially caught my attention with its pretty cover. Sadly, I am total a sucker for those. But it looked like there would be more here than just a pretty cover. While Reading: Winterling is a true testament to what a whimsical book should be. From the cover to the very last page, Sarah Prineas held me captivated. I am always dying to find books like this, but sadly, most usually fail in one area or another. Winterling is quite possibly the most enchanting book that I have found in a long, long time.Fer, our MC, was about as perfect as I could only hope she would be. A girl who a little different than most girls her age, and quite honestly, likes it that way. I was instantly drawn to her. I love a strong female heroine who plays by the beat of her own drum. And Fer does exactly that. Loved her.It is not often that I find a book that lets your imagination run rampant, but mine really did with Winterling. Sarah Prineas creates a world that is pure imagination, yet real enough to where you don't feel as if it is impossible. I had a blast getting lost in Fer's world.Verdict:Winterling is a delightful fantasy. One that completely caught me by surprise with its magic. I cannot wait to read more by this author.