Vampire Kisses was one of those novels for me that I thought I would never read. It sounded too blah and overdone. However, I love to admit when I am wrong, and this one I was definitely wrong about. I thought I would have a hard time connecting with Raven, a self proclaimed Goth girl, since I am not exactly a lover of the night. But I ended up loving her character. She is funny, caring, and just like any normal teenage. Plus she has an amazing sense of humor. This alone caused me to love this book since I think every chapter had some little quirk that made me laugh out loud.The only thing I would have like to have seen was more of Alexander. It seemed that the novel seemed to focus too much on Raven and her enemy. I seriously would have thought she would have ended up with him, if Alexander did not show up in the last 1/4 of the books. All in all, I am not sure if I will keep reading this series. I like Raven and Alexander, but I am not sure of them as a couple. I think I may need to give the second book a try before I make any final decisions. This is a great book for those who enjoy a quick vampire romance, and would be wonderful for a rainy day.