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Shadow Hills

Shadow Hills - Anastasia Hopcus Shadow Hills is an intriguing mix of Greek mythology, mystery, romance, and a hint of suspense. From page one, readers will be sucked in to the captivating world that Hopcus has created. It is vibrant, full of life, and descriptions.The premise of Shadow Hills is completely engaging. You enter into the novel believing that Phe is mainly wanting to find answers about her sister's life. But what you get is so much more. This is really a story within a story. And I have to applaud Hopcus for being so through. It is rare that I find an author that can so completely give me the back story that I crave. And thankfully, she did that and much more.This novel is breath of fresh air. Hopus' writing is so fluid that at times it hardly felt like I was reading. While the novel is a little thick at 400 pages, it certainly does not read that way. The pages fly by with entertaining characters and a mystery that you will be dying to find the answers to.Shadow Hills is definitely a novel that you will have a personal interaction with. You will laugh.. you will scream (at the characters).. you will totally love this novel. Hopcus is a fantastic addition to the young adult genre. And I for one am looking forward to so much more from her.