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Claire de Lune

Claire de Lune - Christine   Johnson When I picked up Clare de Lune, strangely enough, I was in a werewolf mood (that doesn't happen very often). And for the most part, the novel satisified me. The plot was very suspenseful, more so than what I was expecting. Claire was a great character, and you could not help but sympathize with everything that she was going through. And I loved Christine Johnson's take on werewolves. Completely unique.Although, Clare de Lune cured me of my werewolf novel longings, it was not everything that I was hoping it would be. However, Johnson gets mega kudos from me for creating a completely new twist on werewolf lore and making me second guess EVERYTHING. I seriously had to smack my hand a few times to stop myself from skipping to the end of the novel just to find out who the bad guy.. err.. wolf was. If you are want a hardcore paranormal werewolf novel, then Clare de Lune may not be for you. But you if are looking for a lighter paranormal novel with great characters and plenty of suspense, then pick up Clare de Lune... you will not be disappointed.