Review in 75 Words or Less: Numbers was a dark, realistic look at someone with the special ability to see someone's death date. Jem is an honest and believable main character who tries her best to deal with the hand she has been dealt. Despite being rough around the edges, she is still likeable. I easily found myself cheering for her. While the ending area was a little questionable, I still bought it and loved every minute of this novel.Final Verdict: While I would highly recommend this novel, I must first admit that this novel will not be right for everyone. There is moderate to heavy mentions of sex, drugs, and alcohol. And this book may not be appropriate for readers under 16 years of age. Personally, these incidents did not bother me or seem out of place since I believe that they help flesh out Jem's character. It makes her more believable and in certain situations, easier to understand. Numbers was an intriguing read, and is definitely one that I will be reading again.