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A Match Made in High School

A Match Made in High School - Kristin Walker A Match Made in High School is a hilarious and cute look at senior year, relationships, and... marriage? Fiona believes that senior year is going to be one to remember. But learning that she must participate in the Marriage Education programs in order to graduation is not exactly what she had in mind when she was thinking of why senior year would be memorable.Quite frankly, I adored this novel. I was originally intrigued but the idea of students participating in a "real" marriage. But I quickly fell in love with the novel's characters. A Match Made in High School has the perfect blend of chemistry and hilarity to keep readers glued to the pages. I absolutely loved the sparks between Fiona and Todd. They were an amazing foil to each other. I devoured this novel as I waited to see what they would get themselves into next.A Match Made in High School sparkles. That is the only way I can think to describe it. If you enjoy novels with amazing characters, chemistry, and laugh out loud situations, A Match Made in High School is a must read. I absolutely devoured this novel, and I think you will too.