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The Scorch Trials (Maze Runner Series #2)

The Scorch Trials - James Dashner Shucks, if you thought The Maze Runner was fantastic, then you are surely in for a great treat with its sequel. The Scorch Trials starts up right where the previous novel left off. Thomas and his gang think that they are saved. But boy are they wrong. And WICKED has definitely topped themselves this time.One thing that I loved about The Maze Runner was the gore and shock-value that Dashner every so lovingly included. It is one of the main reasons why I adored that novel in the first place. And if you are like me, then you will be very pleased to see plenty of it in The Scorch Trials. From the very first beginning, Dashner holds nothing back. And I loved every second of the action.For the most part, I was very pleased with The Scorch Trials. Plenty of action and intrigue. But I cannot but feel like there is something missing. Something that would have made the novel go from pretty good to over the top amazing. I think part of my issue with the novel has to do with how much I really liked the previous novel. Everything so fresh and excited. And yes, readers will get that with this novel. It is just that in terms of the plot, I feel like nothing really new was presented. The characters are pretty much the same with little to no character growth. WICKED is still as confusing as ever. And parts of the novel, just made me want to pull out my hair because I want answers.The Scorch Trials is a great addition to the series... even though I feel like I am still at square one in figuring out the big picture. Yes, parts of this novel frustrated me beyond belief... but I think that is the beauty of the novel. The Scorch Trials will give readers very few answers, leave them with a lot more questions, and totally have them begging for more. I know I am.