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Falling Under

Falling Under - First Impression:Browsing through my Kindle one day, I came across Falling Under. For the life of me, I could not remember what this book was suppose to be about. Hades and Persephone? Being in one of those just read whatever you come across moods sealed the reading fate of this book.While Reading:Falling Under is breath of fresh air. No vampires. No werewolves. No typical paranormal character to speak of. And for that alone, I would recommend Falling Under. With the YA market so saturated with paranormal everything, Falling Under stands out for bring something new to the table.After finishing the book, I did some research and discovered that Falling Under is suppose to be loosely based on the Hades and Persephone myth. But to be honest, I am not sure where the parallels are. Maybe the dream world is suppose to be the Underworld? I am not sure.While Falling Under shines with its originality, its main characters are some what of another story. Theia... Theia... Theia. Let the bad boy go! Man, this is a girl that does not know when to quit. And Haden. I love to hate you. So hot and cold. Makes a girl not know if she is coming or going. As for the secondary characters, I must say Bravo! They inject much needed humor and life into the book. Making all the Theia / Haden drama so much better.Final Verdict:Falling Under was a completely surprising read. So dark. So haunting. I just ate it up.