After falling in love with Rampant, the first novel in the series, I just HAD to read the next novel. Ascendant early on has the same feeling as Rampant. Girl power, a little romance, and the always fabulous killer unicorns. But don't let that fool you... Ascendant has a darker side.In a lot of ways, I think of this series (at least thus far) as two parts to a coin. Rampant is kick butt and takes names side. The "Yes, I am a unicorn hunter. Wanna make something of it?" type novel. In contrast, Ascendant is more the effects of Rampant's causes. This novel screams more "Yes, I am still a unicorn hunter, but what does that really mean?" The feelings I have for Ascendant are really hard to put into words. Amazing.. thought provoking.. killer unicorns.. I mean I really could be here all day. But what it all comes down to is that Ascendant is outstanding. There is definitely no sequel slump here. Ascendant, in the end, really blew me away. There are twists and turns here that I never would have guessed in a millions years. And most importantly.. they make sense. As for Astrid, she changes a lot in this novel. Some are for the better and some.. are really up in the air. And as for her love life.. well, you will just have to read it to find out. It makes me sad to think that this might be the last novel in the series, but it ends on a pretty interesting note. Not really a cliffhanger.. but definitely has the promise for more. And with so many subplots still with unresolved issues, I am praying for more. Please.. Please.. Please..