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White Cat (Curse Workers, Book 1)

White Cat - Holly Black White Cat is a nice edgy, dark read that sucked me into its pages very early on in the novel. Being the first novel that I have read by Black, I was pretty impressed with her writing style. The pages flowed easily and kept my attention.What really intrigued me about this novel is the world that Black created. It is almost an alternative world from what we know... with a little magic sprinkled in. I loved the idea of the Curse Worker. But I am not so sure that I completely understood everything that Black was trying to convey. Basically, the reader grasps the basics of this world yet it never goes deeper than that. Personally, I wanted to know more. To understand why certain things where the way that they were.The characters in White Cat were definitely interesting. I really enjoyed Cassel and his family. It is a nice mixture that will please most readers. In addition, I loved Cassel's voice. He is a strong character who I think has a lot of potential. But I am not too sure about his love life. The romantic aspect of White Cat felt a little forced at times, especially with the ending. Did I like the two characters together? Not quite sure yet. However, I believe that with more exploration by additional novels in this series, it could work.Despite a few issues here and there, White Cat was a very enjoyable read. The plot kept my attention. The characters were great. And I loved the world that Black created, even if I did not fully understand it. White Cat's ending, while not a complete cliffhanger, did leave me desperate for more. This is definitely a series that I will be checking on in the near future.