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Hex Hall

Hex Hall - Rachel Hawkins It is not often that a novel can leave me speechless... but that is exactly what Hex Hall did. Beautifully written, humorous, and so much more make up this outstanding debut novel.Hex Hall is the kind of novel that has surprises around every corner. Some surprises were amazing and some just took me, well... completely by surprise. This is one of those novels in which I never knew exactly what to expect. And I absolutely loved that.There is so many wonderful elements within Hex Hall that it is hard to pick a favorite. The premise was fun and engaging. The characters were fantastic. I just loved Sophie. She was funny, and I found myself constantly laughing either at her personality or some goofy situation she managed to find herself in. And Archer... WOW! He is an uber heartthrob with some mega baggage.When I began Hex Hall, I was in a major reading funk. But thanks to Hawkins and her amazing novel, that funk is a thing of the past. If you are looking for a fun novel featuring amazing characters, a fantastic premise, and a ending that will leave you desperate for more... then Hex Hall is definitely the novel for you. I highly recommend you run and grab a copy for yourself. It is that good.