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Brightly Woven

Brightly Woven - Alexandra Bracken Brightly Woven is a magical and enchanting read. One that starts the adventure from page one and does not stop until the end... and even then, there is the possibility of more. This novel is epic is so many ways... from Bracken's attention to the smallest of details to memorable characters that you just will not forget.Brightly Woven is a fantasy, adventure novel with tons of extra elements sprinkled in. You have suspense, romance, mystery, intrigue... the list goes on and on. But what makes this novel stand out is the characters. Sydelle is a spunky, headstrong girl who is fiercely loyal. North is... well, North. A powerful wizard whose past haunts him, and a man who tries to do the right thing. When you put those two characters together... you have sparks. The warm, happy feeling sparks. The kind that make you cheer for them, and want everything to work out. They are an outstanding duo which made me laugh with their antics and shed a tear or two when things did not go as they could have.Bracken is on fire with this novel. The writing, the plot, the twists... it all goes so perfectly together. I honestly cannot remember the last time that I so throughly enjoyed a fantasy novel. Readers who enjoy novels by Diana Wynne Jones will devour this novel in a matter of hours. This is an amazing, quick paced, high action novel that will leave you completely satisfied and begging for more. While it is unclear if there will be sequel, the ending does leave the reader hoping for one. If you have not had a chance to read this baby yet, run... do not walk... to your local bookstore and pick up a copy. You will not regret it.