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Crescendo (Hush, Hush Saga)

Crescendo - Becca Fitzpatrick Nora and Patch are back... and better than ever! After the spellbinding brilliance of Hush, Hush, I wondered how exactly could Becca Fitzpatrick top the awesomeness of her first novel. But within a few pages I knew the answer... easily. Crescendo picks up shortly after Hush, Hush. Nora is lost, confused, and full of questions as she tries to find a place in her world without her father. To make matters worse, Patch is there but not really there. These days he seems like he is off on another planet leaving Nora to continually guess just exactly what is going on inside of that lovely head of his. Very early in the novel, I was captivated by Crescendo for showing me a completely different side to Nora. Here she is constantly searching for answers. Trying to find out where it is that she belongs. Due to these struggles, the reader gets to see a more sensitive side... a softer side even. And while some of the struggles are very personal in nature, Fitzpatrick details them perfectly. Every detail is so realistic... so relatable that for much of the novel I just wanted to give Nora a hug. Like Nora, Patch is very different than what was shown in Hush, Hush. He is more secretive. And it is often hard to tell what is going on with him. But that is beauty of Fitzpatrick's writing. Every time you are willing to give up on Patch, he comes through with shining colors. He is the bad boy that you cannot help but love.Crescendo was exactly what I was wanting and more from Hush, Hush's sequel. Brilliant characters. Fantastic plot. And twists and turns that leave you breathless. I felt like I was on a roller-coaster... never knowing exactly which way was up. Fans of Hush, Hush will rejoice at this satisfying sequel that will leave you dying for even more.