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Kendare Blake
Crown of Midnight
Sarah J. Maas

Past Midnight

Past Midnight - Mara Purnhagen Short and Sweet: Past Midnight was exactly what I was looking for. A fun, fast paranormal read. Looking at the outside, I was surprised at how short it was. At 216 pages, Past Midnight is more than meets the eye. Not overtly scary but paranormal enough to satisfy my paranormal craving. The characters were engaging. The plot was different, in a completely amazing way. And the romance did not follow the stereotypical formula that I feared it might.Final Verdict: I want more of this series... right now! Purnhagen hit it out of the park with this one. I loved almost everything about it. Past Midnight toes along the edge of being creepy without going over into the too scary zone. No need for night lights for this one. Purnhagen definitely has a fan in me with this amazing series. Cannot wait to get my hands on the next installment.