After finishing Hex Hall months ago, I have been itching to get my hands on Demonglass. And the wait was definitely worth it. It is easy to say that Rachel Hawkins has done it again! Demonglass is even better than Hex Hell. And for me, that is saying A LOT. Demonglass picks up where Hex Hell left off. Sophie is determined to undergo the Removal. Her love life is.. complicated. Her father is suddenly wanting to be a father. Then there is the discovery that there are more than two demons in the the world. What is a girl to do?Where to start with Demonglass? It is all so freaking fantastic. Rachel Hawkins, you are my hero. If I am ever having a bad day or need a read that I know I can depend on, you are there. Hawkins has quickly become my go-to gal for a read that I know will blow my mind. And Demonglass did all that and more. Now, I do not want to give away too many spoilers cause this is definitely a book that you NEED to read. It is simply to amazing to pass up. But let's just say that there are elements here that I did not see coming.Once again, Sophie rocks. There is no other way to put it. Sassy, full of courage, always right in the middle of trouble. In this installment, she has had to mature a lot. And all of it is for the better. I simply love her character. While there are plenty of characters that readers are reintroduced to and some readers are meeting for the first time, I have to say that Sophie's father was probably my favorite. Most of Sophie's growth is due to him. And while I really did not care for him in Hex Hall, he really grew on me. Their interactions are sweet. And through him, we get to find out a lot more about the inner workings of Prodigium, which I loved.On to Sophie's very complicated love life. In Hex Hall, I LOVED me some Archer. Their chemistry was sizzling. And in Demonglass, he is back!! But when you have feelings for the enemy.. nothing is easy. Add in a little love triangle and all I can think is poor, poor Sophie. I am sure many will be picking sides over this debate. But for me, it is easy. TEAM ARCHER... all the way. There will never be anyone more perfect for Sophie than Archer. Now, additional developments may be able to alter this opinion.. but at this time... let's go Team Archer.Demonglass is the perfect follow-up for Hex Hall. Hawkins has out done herself. Superb characters, twists and turns a plenty, and an ending that left me speechless. An ending that left me flipping through the ending blank pages, hoping against hope that there was more. But sadly, no. Now, I just have to wait another year for the next installment. Please make time pass by quickly, cause I am dying to find out what happens next.