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Undeadly (Harlequin Teen) - Michele Vail Over the last couple of years, I have found I have a love / hate relationship with zombie reads. There is something about zombies on the page that just seems to be lacking. Either they are too over the top or missing that spark completely to make them interesting. With Undeadly, the mix was just about right.Although, Undeadly is about zombies and all the myths that go along with it, it would be hard for me to consider Undeadly a 'true' zombie book. While there are moments of true zombie action bliss, Undeadly, overall, was quite tame. Focusing more on the reaper and myth elements than the zombie killing, which I didn't mind one bit.There is plenty of potential with Undeadly. Some elements worked, while some fell a little short.Read the rest of my review at: