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The Maze Runner (Maze Runner Series #1)

The Maze Runner - James Dashner Short and Sweet: The Maze Runner is an interesting addition to the growing YA dystopian genre. The novel itself is unique due to it clearly having dystopian elements, but never really revealing the truth behind what is going on. While I admit at times I found this quite fascinating, other times... I was just frustrated. Dashner is a very skillful writer who definitely captured my attention. And I am looking forward to discovering more about this unique world. Final Verdict: The Maze Runner definitely had some major aces up its sleeve. Did I like all of them? No. But I have to give Dashner credit for his creativity. The only real sore spot about this novel is that I never really felt connected to its characters. Did I like Thomas? Absolutely. Did I like some of the other characters? Yes. But the issue is that there are so many characters that it is hard to keep them straight some times.All in all, I was very pleased with The Maze Runner. It offers readers something quite different what is out there right now. And with all the twists and turns, readers will definitely be on their toes trying to figure out what will happen next.