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Entice - Carrie Jones Carrie Jones had me hooked with her first novel in the Need series, Need, and only my love for her series has only grown with each passing novel. Entice, the third novel in the series, picks up where Captivate's cliffhanger left off. Zara, our spunky heroine, is now officially caught in-between a rock and a hard place. Her boyfriend Nick has been taken to Valhalla, and it is unclear if she will ever be able to rescue him. Not to mention, she is fighting an unwelcome attraction to her pixie king, Astley. Just when she thinks things cannot get any more complicated... life as a fun way of throwing in some unexpected twists. Entice does a lot for the series as a whole. First and foremost is the character development. Zara has a lot on her plate: a missing boyfriend, being transformed into the dread pixie, and trying to maintain a somewhat normal life. But at the end of the day, Zara is still Zara. A true friend and a strong person who will fight for what she believes is right. Astley is another character who complete grew on me this novel. Previously, I adored Zara and Nick's relationship. However, Entice brings out a totally unexpected side of Astley, and I am just loving the "new" him. Entice takes the Need series to a completely new level. This novel brings a lot more action to the plate, and I have to say that I am completely loving it. There are plenty of unanswered questions still lingering at the end, and I cannot wait to see what Carrie Jones has up her sleeve next.